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C H E F S  R A C K S  &  S H E L V I N G

Shelving and Chefs Racks can be fully customized to your needs. My first one was built out of frustration from bending over, searching dark cabinets for pots & pans as well as getting tired of looking at a bunch of clutter piled on top of the fridge. 

Expanded metal shelving is fully welded in on all sides, so there's no sharp edges. And the racks can be powder coated with a clear paint, leaving the beauty of the metal to shine through, or with the color of your choosing. This paint leaves these pieces pleasant to touch and most important for kitchens- easy to clean.

The bar going across the top back of the rack below has adjustable brackets that screw in to the studs in your wall for a solid, easy installation. No worries about it falling over.


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